

At Qista, our customers are happy and they’re making it known! “Today, we’re living again” – Mosquito Solutions for the Sambuc Community

The village of Sambuc, located in the heart of the Camargue Regional Nature Park, is the pilot village that allowed for large-scale testing of the QISTA non-insecticide mosquito control solution (in partnership with the Tour du Valat Research Center).
Philippe Martinez, you chose to trust QISTA in the fight against mosquito proliferation in your village. Can you tell us more?

“You are in a village called Le Sambuc, in the heart of the Camargue Regional Nature Park, in the municipality of Arles.

I represent the mayor, here in this village. A village with 350 inhabitants, 500 if you include the surrounding areas, the farms. In 2015, QISTA installed 11 mosquito traps. In 2016, we added 5 more.

So, the village of Le Sambuc is equipped with 16 mosquito traps, strategically placed in areas with higher populations, especially where there are children.

The QISTA mosquito control machine does not impact the environment. Zero environmental impact because it doesn’t release any chemicals, only recycled CO2 and a pheromone, which is an essential oil.

So, anyone can approach the machine. A child can approach it without any risk.

Today, we can consider that the machine removes about 80% of the nuisance. And this has been validated by researchers from the biological station who work on the population’s perception in this test village, Le Sambuc.”

QISTA in a few words?

“Intelligence, Innovation, Environment, Future Generations, Entrepreneurial Spirit.”

Personally, I can say that friends can now come back to my place in the evening for a meal or drinks, something they didn’t do before… Because we couldn’t dine on the patio as we were devoured by mosquitoes. Today, we’re living again.”

Thank you, Philippe Martinez, for this convincing testimony that is already inspiring other municipalities, like in Quebec with the installation of Qista traps in Saint-Martin-de-Kamouraska. Learn more about Le Sambuc village.

Comfort issues for your residents and tourists, the spread of diseases – mosquitoes, including tiger mosquitoes, are a real problem for cities and villages. With Qista’s mosquito control solution, you can fight against the inconvenience and risks caused by mosquitoes effectively and sustainably, with no harm to populations and ecosystems.

Mosquito Control Solution for Professionals

Full video testimonial transcript:

“You are in a village called Le Sambuc, in the heart of the Camargue Regional Nature Park, in the municipality of Arles. I represent the mayor, here in this village, a village with 350 inhabitants, 500 inhabitants if you include the surrounding areas, the farms. In 2015, Qista installed 11 mosquito traps. In 2016, we added 5 more, so the village of Le Sambuc is equipped with 16 mosquito traps strategically placed in areas with higher populations, especially where there are children. The Qista mosquito control machine does not impact the environment, zero environmental impact, as it does not release any chemicals, only recycled CO2 and a pheromone that is an essential oil. So, anyone can approach the machine, even a child, without any risk. Today, we can consider that the machine removes, about 80% of the nuisance. And this has been validated by researchers from the biological station who work on the population’s perception in this test village, Le Sambuc. Intelligence, Innovation, Environment, Future Generations, Entrepreneurial Spirit. Personally, I can say that friends can now come back to my place in the evening for a meal or drinks, something they didn’t do before because we couldn’t dine on the patio as we were devoured. Today, we’re living again.”.


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