

Qista’s smart mosquito trap for greater efficiency

Qista is a connected solution for the large-scale ecological fight against mosquitoes. It operates using remotely controlled mosquito traps installed outdoors to form a genuine mosquito barrier.

These smart mosquito traps are controlled remotely using a free Smartphone app.

Mobile app features

Designed to combat mosquitoes without causing any harm to people or the environment, the Qista mosquito trap is designed to convince even the most reluctant about clean mosquito control: forget the inconvenience of other anti-mosquito gadgets, the Qista solution is full of advantages!

After downloading the Qista app and confirming your location, you can define the best position for your trap in 4 stages:

  1. Define your living areas
  2. Define the areas where mosquitoes reproduce
  3. Identify the type of mosquito
  4. Enter your contact details

You will then receive your customised study by email with the location(s) for your future mosquito trap as recommended by the Qista experts.

This section is free to access without a customer account. Authentication will be required to access the control menus after your Qista trap has been installed.

The set-up assessment is essential for the Qista mosquito trap to work properly.


You have installed your Qista traps? Control them remotely!

Once you have your QISTA mosquito trap, log into your QISTA customer account. The smartphone app lets you configure and then control your trap (or your set of traps if you have several of them) day-to-day.

Get hassle-free mosquito protection by remotely configuring your traps. Using the mosquito app, you can:

  • control your machines individually or grouped together
  • choose the operating programme that best suits your outdoor space
  • check the status of your consumables
  • view capture statistics for each trap
  • view weather data
  • view your history in detail
  • turn the trap off remotely


Discover a video of the Smart BAM control app


As vector-borne disease prevention tools, Qista’s mosquito traps provide a real-time monitoring system using geolocated captors which analyse:

  • The volume of mosquitoes caught
  • Current and future levels of infestation
  • Quantification of mosquito populations on satellite maps

The data collected is sent to the QISTA software which analyses and processes all the information.

This data is then cross-tabulated with the weather and environmental changes in the immediately proximity of each machine. When informed about the infestation levels, the relevant authorities can then easily quantify the mosquito populations to improve and anticipate mosquito movements and prioritise the action to prevent vector-borne diseases to be implemented to optimise capture and reduce risk.


Information is transmitted using the mobile telephone network via a SIM card installed in each Smart-Bam to be communicated to users in real time:

  • Directly onto the QISTA app for individuals and professionals
  • Onto QISTA software for communities.

As QISTA’s mosquito trap circuit boards use the 3G, 4G and 5G mobile networks, there are no Wifi or Bluetooth connection problems, whatever the distance between you and your trap or the nearest connection point.


Do you have a technical problem?
Start by troubleshooting your trap by yourself with the help of our technical support.

Is your problem still unresolved?
Generate a support ticket for our technical team. You can then chat with our technical team about the situation*.

*A real person is behind the chat, so responses may be delayed.


Jusqu’au 6 février, QISTA vous propose d’économiser 165€ sur votre commande. 
C’est LE MOMENT de vous équiper pour vous débarrasser des moustiques en 2024 ! 
Pour tout achat d’une BAM VISIO+, QISTA vous offre 6 leurres olfactifs (pour moustique traditionnel ou tigre) d’une valeur de 165€. Réceptionnez votre borne sous 2 semaines grâce à notre livraison via transporteur et profitez d’une réception différée des leurres afin de garantir leur conservation et leur efficacité d’ici l’arrivée des moustiques en 2024 !
Nos équipes reviendront vers vous en début de saison prochaine pour l’achat des bouteilles de CO2 (nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la borne) ainsi que pour l’installation et la mise en route de votre BAM. 

L’offre de rentrée se termine le 06/02/2024 à 23h59 et s’applique uniquement sur le produit BAM VISIO+ (non applicable sur la version URBAINE VISIO). Cette offre s’applique à partir d’une BAM VISIO+ achetée. Offre cumulable. Pour l’achat de plus de 3 bornes, contactez nos conseillers. Votre borne sera livrée sous 2 semaines. Les leurres vous seront fournis sur demande à partir du printemps 2024.