
Optimising BAM performance

To guarantee that your mosquito trap has optimum effectiveness, a few basic rules must be followed.


The Qista mosquito solution is based on 3 steps:

  1. The dispersion of recycled carbon dioxide to simulate human breath (attracts mosquitoes)
  2. Release of an olfactory lure to simulate human body scent (draws mosquitoes closer to the trap)
  3. Mosquito capture using suction

The first 2 steps require consumables (CO₂ and olfactory lure) that need to be replaced every month.If either of the consumables are missing, the mosquito trap becomes ineffective. The mosquitoes will return to the protected area and very quickly start to reproduce.

To give you an idea of the speed of the infestation: 1 female mosquito lays up to 200 eggs every 48 hours.

The olfactory lure lasts for 30 days. Once this period has passed, its power is limited and its effectiveness drops very quickly, it therefore becomes ineffective.

The CO₂ cartridge has a variable duration depending on the intensity of the trap use:

  • For use in line with Qista recommendations (15 hours per day), the CO₂ refill must be replaced every 2 months (BAM VISIO / VISIO+ only).
  • For more intense use  (more than 15 hours per day), the machine releases a higher quantity of CO₂ and the refill is emptied faster
  • Forless intense use(10 to 15 hours per day), the machine releases a lower quantity of CO₂ and the refill is emptied slower

We also strongly recommend replacing the filtre CO2 every year.


When your trap or your machines were installed, Qista experts carried out a set-up assessment and provided you with certainrecommendations related to the specificities of the area to be protected. In particular the use calendar, the daily operating times and the type of lure to use.


These recommendations should be followed without fail, as well as the location recommended by Qista following this assessment to ensure the effectiveness of every Qista mosquito trap.


In addition to the mosquito trap’s inherent effectiveness, you can optimise the mosquito control by applying a few prevention rules to prevent females from layingin areas neighbouring the protected area.


The presence of stagnant water is the most favourable condition for females to lay. Even the smallest puddle becomes a haven for the breeding and growth of eggs. Here are some precautions to take:


  1. Dry useless wet zones: saucers under flowerpots, watering cans, miscellaneous containers, etc./>→ Regularly empty stagnant rainwater or sprinkling water from the different containers in the garden.
  2. Regularly change the water in small containers: bird baths, pet water bowls, etc.
    → Every 4 days maximum (ideally more often), empty the water from bird baths and animal bowls, rinse the containers and refill them with clean water.
  3. Animate stagnant water: pools, ponds, water reservoirs, large troughs, etc.
    →  Install a fountain or a water aeration system that will create permanent movement and prevent egg-laying.
  4. Maintain your outdoors: gutters and water drainage circuits
    → Regularly check that your gutters are not clogged and that water flow in nearby streams and ditches is not blocked.
    → Consider using protective grates in your gutters for example.
  5. Protect the zones that cannot be emptied: open water harvesting tank, etc.
    → If you have an open rainwater harvesting tank, you can prevent female mosquitoes from laying by covering the tank with a mosquito net or by putting ten centimetres or so of polystyrene beads on the surface of the water.


Jusqu’au 6 février, QISTA vous propose d’économiser 165€ sur votre commande. 
C’est LE MOMENT de vous équiper pour vous débarrasser des moustiques en 2024 ! 
Pour tout achat d’une BAM VISIO+, QISTA vous offre 6 leurres olfactifs (pour moustique traditionnel ou tigre) d’une valeur de 165€. Réceptionnez votre borne sous 2 semaines grâce à notre livraison via transporteur et profitez d’une réception différée des leurres afin de garantir leur conservation et leur efficacité d’ici l’arrivée des moustiques en 2024 !
Nos équipes reviendront vers vous en début de saison prochaine pour l’achat des bouteilles de CO2 (nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la borne) ainsi que pour l’installation et la mise en route de votre BAM. 

L’offre de rentrée se termine le 06/02/2024 à 23h59 et s’applique uniquement sur le produit BAM VISIO+ (non applicable sur la version URBAINE VISIO). Cette offre s’applique à partir d’une BAM VISIO+ achetée. Offre cumulable. Pour l’achat de plus de 3 bornes, contactez nos conseillers. Votre borne sera livrée sous 2 semaines. Les leurres vous seront fournis sur demande à partir du printemps 2024.