LIVRAISON GRATUITE : bénéficiez de la livraison gratuite pour la QISTA ONE



Protecting and enhancing

Protecting the victims of mosquitoes by eliminating the source of the problem
Enhance the outdoors and reclaim outdoor living spaces



Techno Bam, with technical support from the Tour du Valat Research Centre and the Camargue Regional Nature Park, set out to find a preventive and eco-responsible mosquito control solution.

Techno BAM is a French specialist in sustainable and preventive mosquito control. Its origins lie in the catastrophic environmental impact of large-scale chemical mosquito control methods, following the publication of a scientific article by Dr Poulin (Tour du Valat) on wetlands and mosquito control.

Techno BAM has developed QISTA, a connected mosquito trap (BAM) produced in France, which is environmentally friendly and respects biodiversity because it does not use insecticides. The patented process is designed to act sustainably and preventively as a complement to any type of chemical treatment (insecticides, repellent lotions, etc.). In 2015, the installation of 16 mosquito trap in the pilot village of Le Sambuc (a Natura 2000 protected area), in the Camargue, confirmed the effectiveness of the solution on a large scale. The experiment demonstrated an 88% drop in the nuisance!

Discover our team

And what about today?

As well as for towns and cities, QISTA is also developing traps for private individuals to help them enjoy their outdoor spaces!

QISTA aims to be a strategic partner for local authorities in the fight against mosquitoes, as part of a preventive approach against the proliferation of mosquitoes. It already equips a large number of municipalities (in urban areas, schools, crèches, retirement homes, etc.) in France, as well as on 4 continents.

QISTA evolves

SINCE 2015

International installations

Installation of mosquito traps in Europe and the South Pacific
Research and development to continue to improve performance


COP 22

resentation of the eco-friendly solution for controlling mosquitoes at the COP 22 in Marrakesh

The final design for the general public appears under the brand name Qista.


The beginning of recognition

Accepted onto the French Environment Ministry’s Green Tech Verte initiative, recognised by World Efficiency, Med’Innovant, Territoria de bronze and Talent INPI.

Air Liquide, France Industrie and TDH acquire a stake in the company.



  • Awards: 2 Awards at the Las Vegas CES.
  • Opening up of capital to private investors.


Disease vector control

The Réunion Island and the cities of Marseilles, Hyères and Toulouse gear up to protect schools, nurseries and public areas.
Qista doubles its turnover.


Global public health challenges

The Treasury Department chooses Qista from among 226 companies for a sustainable town project in Africa.

Hyères renews an order for 100 additional traps to protect its citizens and tourists.


Realisation of entomological expertise

2021 marks the realisation of scientific expertise with the launch of the QISTA LAB.

Our QISTA LAB carries out its first field studies in Djibouti in March.

In Kaolack, more than 270,000 mosquitoes are captured by our traps. Very positive results underlined by health teams on the ground.


traps installed


municipalities supplied


continents supplied


Double Innovation Award at the Las Vegas CES!

Since its beginnings at the Cleantech start-up hub in Aix-en-Provence, Qista has been accepted onto the Green Tech Verte initiative run by the Ministry for Ecological and Socially Responsible Transition and continues to be recognised for its innovation. For the 2 young entrepreneurs the 2018 Las Vegas CES was an accolade with 2 awards for the connectivity and real-time monitoring of the anti-mosquito trap. However, prior to that they had already crowned their success with 1st prize at the 2018 World Efficiency, the Med’Innovant 2017 prize awarded by Euroméditerranée and la Cité des entrepreneurs, and other prestigious awards.

These awards led to encounters which were essential for the development of Qista, particularly with the Environment Ministry.


QISTA celebrates its 10th anniversary with the new QISTA ONE

🎉 To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we are delighted to present our new mosquito trap: the QISTA ONE

With QISTA ONE, you get simplified, affordable technology for environmentally-friendly mosquito control, with unchanged effectiveness.


Jusqu’au 6 février, QISTA vous propose d’économiser 165€ sur votre commande. 
C’est LE MOMENT de vous équiper pour vous débarrasser des moustiques en 2024 ! 
Pour tout achat d’une BAM VISIO+, QISTA vous offre 6 leurres olfactifs (pour moustique traditionnel ou tigre) d’une valeur de 165€. Réceptionnez votre borne sous 2 semaines grâce à notre livraison via transporteur et profitez d’une réception différée des leurres afin de garantir leur conservation et leur efficacité d’ici l’arrivée des moustiques en 2024 !
Nos équipes reviendront vers vous en début de saison prochaine pour l’achat des bouteilles de CO2 (nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la borne) ainsi que pour l’installation et la mise en route de votre BAM. 

L’offre de rentrée se termine le 06/02/2024 à 23h59 et s’applique uniquement sur le produit BAM VISIO+ (non applicable sur la version URBAINE VISIO). Cette offre s’applique à partir d’une BAM VISIO+ achetée. Offre cumulable. Pour l’achat de plus de 3 bornes, contactez nos conseillers. Votre borne sera livrée sous 2 semaines. Les leurres vous seront fournis sur demande à partir du printemps 2024.