LIVRAISON GRATUITE : bénéficiez de la livraison gratuite pour la QISTA ONE


One year after its inauguration in Kaolack, QISTA is reporting positive results.

Through the MoniPrev project, QISTA mosquito traps have proved to be a relevant, effective and complementary technology to public mosquito control efforts in Kaolack.

Today, no fewer than 104 traps have been installed in 32 strategic locations where the risk of mosquito bites is particularly high. The data collected shows that during the month of September 2021, a total of 72,405 mosquitoes were captured, with a peak of over 500 mosquitoes per hour! So many potential infections avoided for the Kaolack commune.

The result of Franco-Senegalese cooperationQISTA is a genuine prevention tool against mosquitoes, which are potential vectors of disease, and will continue to help Senegal achieve its goal of zero malaria by 2030..

A project in collaboration with the PNLP (Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme) which will enable the authorities to carry out precise analytical monitoring and an objective assessment of vector risksin the province of Kaolack.

Anopheles, vectors of malaria, were particularly virulent during the rainy season, but QISTA also noted a variation in species over the course of 2020. Analyses revealed a strong presence of Aedes aegypti, , the vector of dengue fever, zika, chikungunya and yellow fever, a species normally seen in the rainy season but which was clearly observed during the dry season, demonstrating a strong adaptation to its environment and to traditional mosquito control methods.

Read the press release

QISTA celebrates its 10th anniversary with the new QISTA ONE

🎉 To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we are delighted to present our new mosquito trap: the QISTA ONE

With QISTA ONE, you get simplified, affordable technology for environmentally-friendly mosquito control, with unchanged effectiveness.


Jusqu’au 6 février, QISTA vous propose d’économiser 165€ sur votre commande. 
C’est LE MOMENT de vous équiper pour vous débarrasser des moustiques en 2024 ! 
Pour tout achat d’une BAM VISIO+, QISTA vous offre 6 leurres olfactifs (pour moustique traditionnel ou tigre) d’une valeur de 165€. Réceptionnez votre borne sous 2 semaines grâce à notre livraison via transporteur et profitez d’une réception différée des leurres afin de garantir leur conservation et leur efficacité d’ici l’arrivée des moustiques en 2024 !
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