

Here at Qista, our customers are happy and want to shout about it!
“Today, we have a new lease of life” – Mosquito Prevention Solutions for the village of Le Sambuc.
The village of Le Sambuc, in the heart of the Camargue Regional Nature Park, is the pilot village used for the large-scale testing of the QISTA insecticide-free mosquito elimination solution (in partnership with the Tour du Valat research centre).
Phillipe Martinez, you called on QISTA to fight the spread of mosquitoes in your village, can you tell us more? “You are in a village called Le Sambuc, in the heart of the Camargue Regional Nature Park, in the municipality of Arles.
I represent the Mayor, here in this village. A village with an immediate population of 350, 500 if you include the surrounding areas – the farms. In 2015, QISTA installed 11 mosquito traps. In 2016, we added 5 more.
So the village of Le Sambuc is equipped with 16 mosquito traps strategically installed in populated areas, especially where there are children.
The QISTA anti-mosquito machine has no impact on the environment. Zero environmental impact because it doesn’t release any chemicals, only recycled CO2 and a pheromone in the form of an essential oil.
So anyone can go near the machine. Children can go near the machine; there is absolutely no risk.
We currently believe that the machine reduces the problem by about 80% This has been validated by the biological station researchers working on the population’s perception in this test village. This test village is Le Sambuc.”

QISTA in a few words?

Intelligence, Innovation, Environment, Future Generations, Entrepreneurial Spirit.

Personally, I can say that friends can now come back to mine in the evening for a meal or drinks, something they didn’t do before because we couldn’t dine on the patio as we were devoured by mosquitoes. We have been given a new lease of life.

Thank you Philippe Martinez for this convincing testimonial which has already inspired other local authorities, for example in Quebec, to install Qista traps in Saint-Martin-de-Kamouraska.

Find out more about the village of Le Sambuc

Mosquitoes, especially Tiger mosquitoes, are a real problem in towns and villages and have an impact on the comfort of both the local population and tourists, as well as posing a health risk by spreading diseases. The Qista mosquito trap solution can combat the inconveniences and risks caused by mosquitoes in a sustained and effective manner, without any danger to people and ecosystems.

Full transcript of the video testimonial (bold):

“You are in a village called Le Sambuc, in the heart of the Camargue Regional Nature Park, in the municipality of Arles. I represent the mayor, here in this village of 350 inhabitants, 500 if you include the surrounding area, the farms.

In 2015, QISTA installed 11 mosquito traps. In 2016 we added 5 more, so the village of Le Sambuc is equipped with 16 mosquito traps strategically installed in populated areas, especially where there are children.

The Qista machine does not impact the environment, zero environmental impact because it doesn’t release any chemicals, only recycled CO2 and a pheromone in the form of an essential oil. So anyone can go near the machine, children can go near without any risk.

We currently believe that the machine reduces the problem by about 80%. This has been validated by the biological station researchers working on the population’s perception, in this test village of Le Sambuc.

Intelligence, Innovation, Environment, Future Generations, Entrepreneurial Spirit.

Personally, I can say that friends can now come back to mine in the evening for a meal or drinks, something they didn’t do before… Because we couldn’t dine on the patio as we were devoured by the mosquitoes. We have been given a new lease of life.”

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