Qista in Senegal: launching the Moniprev project in Kaolack

Sur le parvis du ministère de la santé et de l’action sociale, la délégation MONIPREV composée des autorités départementales de Kaolack et des équipes QISTA

The Moniprev project funded by the General Directorate of the Treasury is launched! The city of Kaolack will benefit from the installation of 104 ecological anti-mosquito terminals to fight against malaria alongside the PNLP (National Program for the Fight against Malaria).

1st field trip successfully carried out in the department of Kaolack, beneficiary of the MONIPREV project. A precise identification of the areas to be protected was carried out. This trip allowed the Qista team in charge of the project to meet with the major players who made this project possible.

The mission is twofold: to protect areas infested with malaria and to monitor potential mosquito production areas. In the end, 104 anti-mosquito terminals will be deployed in the territory of Kaolack to protect men, women and children! The protection of schools and health establishments such as the hospital and medical centers is the priority. Each trap will be able to monitor mosquito activity. This valuable information will allow local health authorities to have an overview of the evolution of vector risk.

Visit to the Kaolack Regional Hospital with the Qista team

The President of the Kaolack Departmental Council, Mr. Baba N’DIYAE accompanied us throughout our stay in Senegal. This trip, rich in meetings, allowed us to present the project directly to its beneficiaries: the prefect of Kaolack, Dr. KHADIDIATOU SARR KEBE, director of the Kaolack regional hospital, DR. AICHATOU BARRY, head physician of the region as well as the mayors of the cities of the department.

The head of the economic department Mr. TOUSSAINT Vincent, as well as Mrs. DIAW Diademe, were also able to see the commitment of the various stakeholders, and the importance of MONIPREV on Senegalese territory.

The Secretary General of the Senegalese Ministry of Health, Mr. Alassane MBENGUE, the Director of Public Health Establishments, Mr. Ousmane DIA, as well as the technical advisor, Mr. Tidiano GUEYE showed us their valuable support in the continuation of this project.

On the forecourt of the Ministry of Health and Social Action, the MONIPREV delegation composed of the departmental authorities of Kaolack and the QISTA teams
In Senegal, the fight against malaria is a political priority. In order to fight against this scourge, the PNLP (National Plan for the Fight against Malaria) Senegal is trying to find effective solutions to meet their goal of 0 malaria in Senegal by 2030. The PNLP and its coordinator Dr. Doudou Sène very favorably welcome MONIPREV and see in QISTA technologies, a new complementary and relevant means to meet their goal by 2030.

We are infinitely proud to support Senegal in their fight against vectors. We look forward to the next trip to Kaolack to install the anti-mosquito terminals!

Read the press release