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Fight against the tiger mosquito: the city of Carpentras chooses the ecological and connected solution of QISTA.

Borne anti moustique Qista à Carpentras - Vaucluse

The town of Carpentras is equipping itself with 11 connected anti-mosquito stations, and according to the reactions on the town’s Facebook page, the residents seem to welcome the news with enthusiasm.

The Proliferation of the Tiger Mosquito in Vaucluse

Over the past 4 years, health authorities and residents of Vaucluse have had no choice but to witness the proliferation of the tiger mosquito in the region. The department is entirely colonized, including the town of Carpentras.

Beyond the issue of comfort, it’s a genuine public health concern because the tiger mosquito is a vector of serious viral diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, and even the Zika virus. Faced with the necessity to combat the tiger mosquito, the town of Carpentras decided to take action.

Qista Anti-Mosquito Station in Carpentras - Vaucluse

The Town of Carpentras Turns to an Environmentally Responsible and Connected Solution

The usual large-scale mosquito control techniques generally involve dispersing neurotoxic chemical products in large quantities without precise selectivity regarding the targeted insect. The impacts of these sprays and fumigations on biodiversity are catastrophic, but these solutions were, up to this point, the only ones proving effective over large areas.

The town of Carpentras preferred to shift towards an ecological solution, selective (capturing only the female mosquito that bites) and non-toxic for living beings.

The La Provence newspaper dedicates an article to the news in its August 9 edition.

Qista has thus installed 11 mosquito traps around the main water retention ponds to limit the insect’s proliferation. The innovation of the Qista solution is that each station is connected to ensure statistical monitoring of captures and effectiveness.

For greater convenience, the anti-mosquito traps installed in Carpentras are entirely self-sustaining as they are powered by solar panels. They are also protected against acts of vandalism (anti-intrusion and anti-graffiti).

QISTA celebrates its 10th anniversary with the new QISTA ONE

🎉 To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we are delighted to present our new mosquito trap: the QISTA ONE

With QISTA ONE, you get simplified, affordable technology for environmentally-friendly mosquito control, with unchanged effectiveness.


Jusqu’au 6 février, QISTA vous propose d’économiser 165€ sur votre commande. 
C’est LE MOMENT de vous équiper pour vous débarrasser des moustiques en 2024 ! 
Pour tout achat d’une BAM VISIO+, QISTA vous offre 6 leurres olfactifs (pour moustique traditionnel ou tigre) d’une valeur de 165€. Réceptionnez votre borne sous 2 semaines grâce à notre livraison via transporteur et profitez d’une réception différée des leurres afin de garantir leur conservation et leur efficacité d’ici l’arrivée des moustiques en 2024 !
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