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Home / Mosquito Eco Barrier
Promote your eco-responsible approach with the general public:
As a professional or a community facility, the comfort of your customers or local inhabitants is certainly one of your main priorities. People are becoming increasingly sensitive to environmental protection, so it is imperative to reconcile the two.
The clean mosquito elimination certification is the guarantee for your customers or local inhabitants that they are in a location committed to combatting mosquitoes without impacting ecosystems.
For you, it is also a way to promote your eco-responsible and environmental approach with the general public.
Thanks to this certification, you will be included in the list of organisations committed to this approach and will be promoted by Qista via its social networks, website and partner network.
Your commitment will be visible at the entrance to your establishment and your testimonial will be available to the general public.
Up to 88% fewer
fewer injections
Any professional or community facility wishing to optimise the attractiveness of its open-air spaces can obtain the clean mosquito elimination certification.
Tourism benefits :Offer your customers the guarantee of spending a pollution-free family holiday and boost your establishment occupancy with no risks to health or the environment.
Local life comfort : Promote stores, café and restaurant terraces, and open-air theatres in your town by reducing mosquito attacks without using polluting chemical treatments.
Real estate value : Increase real estate value and rents in certain districts by guaranteeing residents a significant reduction in mosquito bites and risks.
Confirm your environmental commitment by signing the clean mosquito elimination charter
Combat mosquitoes in an effective, eco-friendly and sustained manner using the Qista solution, with no further need for polluting or non eco-friendly insecticides or treatments.
Get kitted out with eco-responsible Qista mosquito traps (if you do not have them already)
Ask our experts to determine the requirements for your establishment and take the first step towards certification.
Follow the Qista design office advice
Adopt the Qista expert recommendations in terms of location, sizing, seasons and prevention.
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