Qista Lab

All the expertise of Qista on the issue of mosquitoes and vector control in France and internationally.

Grace à sa technologique brevetée et ses études à grande échelle, Qista amène une réponse concrète aux enjeux sanitaires liés au moustique dans le monde entier. La borne Qista assure une capture massive des moustiques visant à son élimination dans les zones équipées. Qista technology is also a real tool for monitoring and preventingthe spread of disease thanks to the data collected by the installed traps. Research and development of new solutions to fight against the spread of disease are complemented by our teams’ experience. Qista is rich in expertise and people skills. Research and development of new solutions to fight against the spread of disease are complemented by our teams’ experience. Qista is rich in expertise and people skills.

One of a kind worldwide

By approaching preventive healthcare through big data, going forward Qista is able to carry out predictive analysis of the proliferation of mosquitoes and the spread of vector-borne diseases.

The installation of Qista traps serves 2 different but complementary objectives:

1.Mosquito control

Implement a large scale treatment programme to reduce the bite rate in infested areas and put in place monitoring follow-up.

2.Prevention and prediction

Carry out a situational analysis of the presence of mosquitoes and vector-borne diseasesover a given geographical area to collect information and obtain accurate predictions to better anticipate and trigger preventive measures at the appropriate time.

Statistical Analyses


Remote Control

Environmental Sensors

Already installed in big cities in mainland France and overseas, the Qista solution is also an actor in the fight against mosquitoes in the most impacted regions worldwide (Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Reunion Island). Through alliances with different States and institutions, Qista generates interest from large organisations active in vector control in areas highly impacted by mosquito-related diseases. Grâce aux collaborations avec différents états et institutions, Qista suscite l’intérêt de grands organismes de la lutte antivectorielle dans les zones fortement touchées par les maladies liées au moustique.